Our People

Our people are our most valuable asset. The CyKor team consists of industry-certified experts with extensive experience in advanced technologies. Our solutions architects and engineers are focused on developing and delivering scalable and sustainable solutions for our clients in both the public and private sector.

Our Process

We use a proven process that ensures successful outcomes for all of our technology projects. This process allows our experts to deliver complete solutions in lockstep with our clients. Our process focuses on working directly with our clients, and providing them the option and ability to maintain and manage the solution after the project is completed.


Project Kick-Off

First, we establish the project charter. We review the scope of work, develop a project schedule, and define expectations based on your success criteria.


Requirements Gathering

Requirements gathering is a key component of every project. This allows us to fully understand the current state of your IT environment and provides us with vital information necessary for the design.


Details Design and Planning

Next, we present you with a detailed design document for your review. The design document serves as the technical roadmap for the project from which we establish our implementation plan.


Implementation and Validation

This is where things get exciting! Our engineers work with you to configure, cutover, and validate the technology. A detailed test plan is executed based on the success criteria we defined together in phase one.


Project Close Out

Our engineers conclude the project by providing you with the as-built document based on the final delivered solution. We also provide post cutover support and knowledge transfer assistance.

Case Study


A private real estate firm that was relying on legacy Wide Area Network infrastructure is expected to save $1.6 million over the next 5 years thanks to a CyKor designed SD-WAN solution.